Friday, February 5, 2010

Friday hooray!!

Well, another weekend is uppon us. This time, I will do my best to take new pictures of the horses and I have some trimming to do on all horses... I might start tonight, if I don't get home from work too late! I need to trim the Standards so I will get to that, I might take pictures, if I feel like it, I usually rish to finish because they get impatient when tied too long I will quickly nip their feet but I don't know if I will rasp anything, I might keep that for the next day. They do not work right now and are on soft-ish ground most of the time. Their hooves are really long, I haven't trimmed in about 3-4 months. Their hooves grow so SLOW, they are not even to the point of looking awful, they mostly wear on their own. But, Pearl's heels are getting too long for my comfort and Peg's uneven wearing hooves are seriously getting on my nerves! I will try to correct as best I can without causing her too much discomfort.

I also have to re-balance Dandy's hooves, since the last trim, her hooves seem to have improved significantly, I am happy about that! I will check back this weekend and remove all material that is hindering her progress. I might just go for a ride too! I miss riding her, I can't wait for Spring to come, then we can galop accross the fields, wind in our hair! Ok, I might be dreaming here!

I will also try and take pictures of the colt, he will be 9 months old in a few days, he is a sweet heart but does look a bit gangly at this age. I can't wait to see him all grown up! He will be one in May (mid) so there is still a ways to go before he is big and under saddle.

Have a great weekend everyone!

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