Monday, May 17, 2010

Fun Q & A

I found this on Jayke's blog so I will post it here with my own answers!


1. What would your perfect day consist of?
Getting up early on a beautiful day, saddling up the horses and going exploring new trails with my SO or riding in or near water with the horses.

2. How would you describe yourself if you were an item of clothing?
A used pair of jeans, because even though I'm young, I've seen a lot of things and endured many life obstacles and curve balls thrown at me.

3. What hobbies are you currently working on?
Training my new 3 year old filly Misty and getting the farm into top working order after a few years of off time.

4. Walking in the woods in wellies or bare foot on the beach?
I'll do a combination of both... barefoot in the woods. I was raised in the woods and could basically survive there if I had to. The woods have always provided a great sense of adventure for me and a good way to wander into the unknown without going too crazy. I've done a lot of wild camping, canoe trips, hunting, fishing, hiking in HUGE forests (too big to even try to put a size to them, they go on forever and contain well over 250 lakes, rivers and streams, some not even known, named or mapped yet). The feeling of walking barefoot in the forest is way different than on a beach, to earth is softer and you get all kinds of textures, roots, branches, rocks, stones, moss. Watch out for poison IV and burrs! Oh and tree sap! If you want to walk barefoot somewhere, try it in a forest, it's an awesome feeling of freedom. *** I am not responsible for any rash contracted while barefoot walking in the woods, please be informed on plants that cause such rashes.

5. Have you ever hugged or sang to a tree?
Yes, I have hugged a tree, and I have a picture to proove it (which will not be posted here, since it is not scanned). I was about 6 years old and my cousins had a cottage on the river and beside their cottage stood the biggest pine tree everyone has ever seen (still standing today!). My sister and I tryed to join hands from each side of the tree and couldn't... my dad took a picture. I don't see why I would sing to a tree, but I guess you could say that I've sang indirectly to them on walks and trail rides alone. Usually I try an keep quiet to listen for wild animals and birds.

6. Growing your own veggies or nipping to the supermarket?
Love my own garden, but when it runs out, I have to use the supermarket and I am always disatisfied at the produce they offer there.

7. Have you found anyone exciting in your family tree?
No, but I have native american blood pretty close to my leaf. I've found out when my family immigrated to Canada and they mostly married native women.

8. Slap up meal in a posh restaurant or fish 'n' chips from the wrapper?
I don't often eat out, I pretty much cook all that I eat. I can cook fish and chips... when I go out to eat is usually when I have a craving for nachos at a particular restaurant... I can't make them like that at home...

9. Which element do you most resonate with, Earth, Air, Fire, or Water?
I don't know which one between Earth and Water. I love water, it is vital for all living things, plus a running stream has a peaceful effect on the soul. Much the same for the Earth, it is vital and peaceful.

10. Do you believe in fairies?
No, I think there is no such thing as fairies, but if there were, the world would certainly be a better place.

1 comment:

  1. Hey! Feel free to take the life is good graphic and put it on your blog too! I think it's a great questionnaire, learned a lot about you. :)
