Tuesday, January 5, 2010


I would like to thank Jayke for her words of encouragement regarding my last post.

I think I will have a vet over as soon as I can anyways, Dandy could use a physical exam and I'm affraid of possible damage to her lungs from the cough (or virus) being present for so long. It has now been over a month, maybe two since the cough started and I'm not going to take much more of it. I tried all I could to help her and it hasn't been working, I need to go to the next level. It has comforted me to see that she hasn't lost any weight and that she is still kicking and screaming, but it happens that she coughs when playing and working and I don't like that at all!

For my little dog, his eye seemed much better last night. I had cleaned it up the night before and it looked almost perfect yesterday night. I freak out when it comes to eyes. My parents didn't really make me feel better either. It was as if his eye looked like this because I must've been a bad mom. There was nothing I could do he woke up Sunday looking like that... I was as upset about it as they were but there was nothing I could do... if I could make it magically disapear, I would've long ago, but I can't. Rant over!

I will look up more info on horse cough. Dandy puts her nose close to the ground when she coughs, she always coughs three times (I don't think this is significant info...) and it's like something is stuck in her throat... it's like she's coughing enough to gag, only horses don't have that reflex. I will look up Strangles and Choke info, hopefully I will be enlightened.

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