Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Am I ever POed

Just a short post to say that I finally found a vet that is willing to travel to my location... only problem.... he doesn't WANT TO!!!!! I did leave a message to another vet that might just come on site, but he must be on vacation or something because he hasn't returned my calls. The one I am used to is booked and will not come over, unfortunately, Dandy is considered a new patient (since he never treated her and actually never has been on our farm (When I called for the dying foal)).

So, in order to get treatment for Dandy, I would have to trailer her about 2 hours away from home... I have two problems with that... we have a stock trailer and it's winter... not a good mix for a coughing horse. I will try and wait a week to see if the vet that would come over will call me back. If not, I will have to pack up, borrow a trailer, blanket Dandy (that has never been blanketed besides for cooling), shut every door and window on the trailer and drive rather carefully for about 2 hours, get a diagnosis, and start all over again. I don't know but I need your advice here... what would you do? Wait for the vet to call back, risk the fact that he also may not take new patients or trailer an occasionally coughing horse over 4 hours (round trip) to see a willing vet... I don't know what to do... I want Dandy treated, but I'm not good at making choices!

I will see what I can do. Getting the vet over would cost $250 only for the call, taking her over... might cost me as much as that. I will talk to my SO tonight to see what he thinks of the whole deal. Thing is, we cannot trailer in a stock trailer unless we modify something to somewhat block the vents at the top... I don't know... that could be a hazard for the horse... Plus I would need sheets to put under her blanket because Dandy is not used to being trailered and would probably sweat.

Anyways, I need to go have lunch, maybe I will have a clearer mind then. I away your thoughts...


  1. Wow. Not many good options, hope you get to the bottom of the cough!

  2. Thanks Sally! I'm on the fence about trailering, I could get a closed trailer but Dandy has only been trailered once, it went really well, but lasted only 45 minutes, not 2 hours and then another 2 hours!!! I don't know what to do!
