Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Snow Storm!!!

Wow, it is REALLY snowing out there! The horses looked fine this morning... I'm thinking they'll bundle up in the shelter, but I'm probably wrong... Dandy LOVES snow, she'll probably spend a good part of the day playing in it, rolling in it and bucking around.

For the old ladies, I KNOW they'll be bundled up in the shelter, they have a good winter coat on and should do just fine in the weather, but they spend days inside when it's nice out, so I'm thinking they should be inside right now.

I don't think we'll be able to stay at work all day, the drive in was painful and the storm had just started!!! I can't imagine driving back... I'm a bit scared. If it's bad, I'll just have to suck it up, keep calm (I've learned to control my emotions to a tee thanks to horses!) and drive carefully and making sure I am aware of every other driver.

For Dandy... what do you think I should do. I haven't been able to reach a vet yet and I want to know if you guys know of anti-inflammatories that I could buy in a tack store or feed store... is banamine good for this? I just want to get the inflammation out of her lungs so they can clear up, it might help her gain control over the situation. I will look up info today... if I can get some work off of my shoulders...

Thanks for all the comments, help and support!


  1. I'm not familiar with any over the counter anti inflamatories, so can't help you there.

    But if it was my Oliver that was having that problem...I would buy some hay cubes and put him on only that for about two weeks, to see if there is any difference.

    You said in your earlier post that she wasn't having these problems in the summer, perhaps because she was primarily on grass and now she is on hay this is cropping up? She could be allergic to hay or dust.

    The cubes would rule that out.

    Keep us posted, and don't get too bogged down in that snow!

  2. Thanks Jayke!
    I will try the cubes! I had that in mind, just to rule out the problem (or see if it will). I will wait for the anti-inflammatories, I don't think they sell them over the counter. I will see if the cubes help and go from there!
    The weather is getting worse by the minute! There is already more than 5cm on the ground and everyone is still cooped up in their offices!
