Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Pearl's first ride

About a month after the loss, Pearl had gained significant weight and was in a good shape to be saddled. We had no clue how she would react. I didn't really know Pearl that much, but I knew that she trusted me enough to approach her foal only a month after we had first met.

On the day that I decided to try out Pearl, we had new boarders, 4 horses (2 fillies and 2 geldings)... I started to saddle Pearl and she wouldn't behave, not standing still, going from one side to the other. She wouldn't accept the saddle blankets, let alone the saddle. I thought the new horses were stressing her out a bit. I put the saddle on and she kicked, once or twice. You have to understand that Pearl is 18 years old... she is in exceptionnal shape considering her past racing career. She was a sulky race horse and that was the only thing she knew. She pinned her ears at me more than once and tryed to bite me. I corrected her only once. She had great ground manners otherwise, she would always stand and could lead, load, lift her feet like a dream! I was getting a bit worried... having trained wild horses to saddle and having been thrown more than my fair share... you bet I was worried!

Thankfully, my sister would be riding Peg (Pearl's dear friend) to keep her good company. Pearl took the bit easily, she just didn't know what a saddle was. So came the big leap... I lead Pearl outside, tightened her cinch and.... I was going to say up I went... but it didn't really happen like that! Pearl wasn't having any of it and kept moving, lunging forward and mini-rearing to try and spook me. I had my boyfriend hold on to Pearl while I got on her back. Pearl is not the tallest horse I've been on... she's pushing 14.2 or 14.3 hh!!! I got on her back and was in complete lack of control no matter what. She was walking everywhere, didn't want to stop and was in a bit of a panic. I had someone come to restrain Pearl while I calmed down a bit. She got used to my weight being on her back and seemed to be calmer.

So off we went for a small ride. Her eyes were big, she didn't want to leave her friend's side. We managed to go a little ways on the property but Pearl would mini-rear at everything she suspected was a monster or didn't like. If I would put my leg on her, she would rear... pull to one side, she would rear if she didn't want to go. I made her work a bit more before heading back to the barn. I totally disliked my ride on Pearl, I felt like a was sitting on a ticking timebomb! Pearl was sweating, she hadn't been working in a while (I don't know for how long)... she was way nervous. I couldn't wait to get off of her!

She was a doll for unsaddling and grooming... I had a feeling taht Pearl had never seen a saddle before. I had a lot of work to do! Fortunately, my sister took on the task of training Pearl. She would come and ride with me and Dandy... in a few weeks, Pearl was doing great, we were all surprised and happy about her progress, the only problem was that Pearl was terrified of cows, we wouldn't need to use her on cows anyways. She is now a good trail horse and she is used lightly about once or twice a week in the summer and fall... she has not worked in about a month, but I still handle her. She probably won't be working during winter. Since she was so thin, we have not worked on her conditionning yet, but come spring, we might get that going for her. We don't need her to be in top shape but a bit more muscle and a good condition would be desirable.

Turns out Pearl is super sensitive. She does not like change in her tack, blankets, bit, etc. She is very sensitive to loud voices, harsh touch and being left without attention on the crossties if another horse needs special attention or a riding buddy needs help! She is sensitive to pressure, so riding her is a breeze... except if something irritates her... then your in for a ride. She is not a beginner horse, never will be. She is 18 and acts like a 2 year old, she is also as sound and has great legs (better than most 2 year olds!!).

I took a shine to Pearl as soon as I saw her. She is grey, which is super rare in Standardbreds and she has the sweetest face ever... unfortunately, Pearl does not like her face handled and does not enjoy kisses, but I'm working on it.

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