Thursday, May 6, 2010

New calf pictures

Here are pictures of our little calf. She's a heifer and is a pale blond, nearly white.

Here she is on Friday, April 30. She is three days old here, with her mom.
She was basking in the sun, resting and my presence did not disturb her much.
Mom started to move off to graze, so she got up and took a good look at me. She was curious and for a minute, she was making her way to meet me! Mom quickly came back to stand between me and the calf.

Here's mom and baby. They pretty much have the same look. Mom was coming my way, she wasn't threatening, but I didn't take chances, those horns could potentially cause damage.

For lack of better pictures, I took new pics of our cow herd... ok, we only have five cows, but here they are! That's all of them.

And here are the new girls, bought after we had Nabisco. The furthest cow from me isn't in calf.
So that's the Friday pictures. Sunday, we rounded them up, caught the little one and put her tag and checked her. Here she is after she just got her new earrings. It was my first time putting tags on anything and it went really well, she didn't even flinch!

And this is after we released her back in the herd. No need to say that we will keep her!

As of yesterday, she seemed to be eating (or at least chewing) grass. She also visits with the other cows. Yesterday, the four horses and 5 cows (plus calf) were all standing pretty close together and getting along, I was happy to see that!


  1. She's some cute! Perhaps she'll be a bit more personable than her mama.

  2. She's so cute! Hopefully she will be a bit more personable than her mama was!

  3. Her mom is a nice, friendlay cow... just not when they have calves... too bad! It's good in a way, at least she wont let anything attacky baby!
