Monday, November 30, 2009

Post #2 today

So, here I am with new pictures. I wanted to take some of me on Peg (and I did...), but I wanted the whole height and my sister didn't get that... Plus, I find myself way too fat... I'll have to loose some weight!
First, here's our newest addition... Nabisco. She is quite shy since we got her. She won't run from humans, but she hides in the bush all day and comes in the barn at night. Things didn't go as we planned, we were to leave the horses with Nabisco for company, but turns out the horses are afraid of the cow and the cow is afraid of the horses. We are currently looking for a new cow to keep this one company, if all fails, we will ask my boyfriend's cousin to lend us a cow for the winter. Nabisco is 7 years old (rather will be 7 in spring) and she is bred to a Charolais bull for a March - April calf. Unfortunately, I don't know much about cow... my boyfriend has already raised cattle and is the expert on the subject. I thought him everything he knows about horses and he is teaching me about cows. So we got this nice girl 2 weeks ago at a herd dispersal auction. They were all nice cows and they all went for a fairly high price (considering the market, these days, I would say really high prices!!). This said, I could've bought 2 or 3 horses for that price!! Here's Nabisco:See what I mean when I say she was hiding in the bush... this is the best body shot I could get of her! Needless to say that I was a bit intimidated by those horns, not having handled cattle too much in my life, I was completely ignorant of what she could do or the signs she was giving. Thankfully, she is a great cow and wouldn't charge a human or anything else for that matter... well unless she was really threatened. She actually layed down while I was approaching her.

Here is a recent picture of Dandy, PEg and Pearl... but I will save a few for other posts. This is Dandy on one of the last ride we had together. That's when I started to notice that she wasn't really feeling good. Dandy is also starting to learn to ground tie. She actually stood right there while I went in the barn, got the camera and came back out (the camera was just past the door, so that's not far), but she stood for three pictures and didn't move until I got her and lead her to the post. I have the other pictures, but I will not be uploading them today as this computer is a bit slower than what I am used to... She is nice and plump for the winter and her coat is just the fluffiest thing ever! This is not the best angle for ther head, since she is looking this way, it looks way bigger (She always had a big head, but not like that!)

Here's Peg and Pearl. They have all put on a bit of weight and their winter pyjamas are on! They were joining me hoping I had treats somewhere on me... no luck, but they all got scratches... they look FAT! I'd rather have them a bit on the fat side for winter and they are doing fantastic!
Peg is always her sweet self. She likes to put her nose as close to your face as she can.... for a horse this big, this isn't your average nose!! I live when she does this, her face is just so kissable! By the way, I am not kneeling for this photo! Peg mesures about 16.2 hh, for me, this is HUGE... I am 5'8'' and was used to being around 14 to 15.3 hh horses... this is a big leap for me! I proved that I was still able to get on her back Sunday for a little stroll around.

Pearl has proven that any horse can make it from a body score of about 1.5, ready to foal and feed a foal to this!!! Someone asked me if Pearl was in foal!! She is not, but after many years of foaling, she probably will always keep a bit of a hay belly, same for Peg, but it shows less since Peg is so big and long. Isn't Pearl a doll!?
So I hope you enjoy the pictures! I'll be back blogging soon!


  1. Great pictures! I love the name you selected for the cow.

    Dandy looks great with all her gear on (and her winter jammies), just gorgeous. :)

  2. Thanks!! They're all sweethearts, not the best looking but I don't care for that, I love them the same!
    I moved Dandy to my mom and dad's for the winter. I will take much more pictures... I never take enough... especially that my batteries died!! I will have more pics in the next posts too!
    Thanks for reading so regularly!

  3. No problem! I think it's important to read AND comment on blogs regularly, especially since I was one of the ones who encouraged you to start one!

    You can never have enough pictures, looking back I dearly wish I'd taken more pictures of my Olly as a little two year old when we were first starting out together. So now whenever I'm home I make sure to snap a bunch, even if they are just of his big fuzzy nose.

  4. I'll drink to that! It's when we lose or miss our pets that we feel guilty for not taking pictures or making more memories with them.
